Mindful Movement and Medical Literacy with Samantha Williams - April 28, 11:00 am- 12:00 noon


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Certified instructor Samantha Williams introduces this gentle movement exercise practice which draws on Yoga, Tai Chi and Mindfulness. She will also share resources for finding reliable health information online.


Gentle exercise and calming mindfulness practices can come together for an approach to wellness that addresses the physical body and the mind. Mindful Movement and Medical Literacy introduces participants to Yoga, Tai Chi and Mindfulness, while offering a framework for finding reliable health information online. This workshop includes discussion as well as opportunities to move, although participants are welcome to simply observe the exercises if they would rather not participate. The focus is on restoring range of motion, muscle strengthening and encouraging lymph drainage while incorporating a mindfulness practice into your exercise routine. All levels are welcome.

Facilitator Samantha Williams is certified as a Cancer Exercise Specialist, E-RYT 500, and as an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer. She provides strategies to start moving and stay moving. In partnership with the Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center, Samantha leads an ongoing weekly, virtual exercise class each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9:00 am. Based in Machias, Samantha has held this class in-person for many years and hopes to return to live, in-person classes as soon as it is possible. In addition to classes, Samantha offers online and in-person yoga teacher training programs through Bold Coast Yoga School: boldcoastyoga.com .

This free event will be online via Zoom and is open to all. For more information about this event or if you would like to register and receive the link please call the Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center at 664-0339 or email: info@bethwrightcancercenter.org, or REGISTER HERE